Retreats for new and experienced meditators.
 On Line, May 2, 2020: Thriving During Difficult Times (Completed)
On-Line, January 16, 2021 Hindrances as Friends (Completed)
On-Line, March 13, 2021: Befriending the Mind-Heart’s Intentions
 In the earliest records of what the Buddha actually said about meditation, he described an elegant, nuanced, and amazingly effective practice. It is a cousin to the Insight Meditation often taught in this country. And it has differences. It rejects one-pointed concentration and emphasizes relaxation, ease, and sense of humor. It blends the cultivation of ease with cultivation of insight. As our practice deepens, the instructions shift to take advantage of the experience we’ve gained.
These daylong retreats offer an opportunity to settle into a day of silence and meditation. There will be instruction, questions and answers, a break for lunch (bring a bag lunch), and a closing sharing circle. Much of the day will be spent in silent sitting and walking meditation in the metta-vipassana style Doug teaches and describes in his books, Buddha’s Map, Meditator’s Field Guide, and Befriending the Mind.
He will be available for individual practice mentoring throughout the day.
 Doug is a dhamma teacher, psychotherapist, and retired Unitarian Universalist minister. He began meditating 40 years ago and has trained with various American teachers and Asian masters.
 In this tradition the teachings are offered freely. Donations (called “dana”) are gratefully accepted as one is comfortable. Easing Awake, the sponsoring organization, is a 501(c)3 non-profit. Your support allows us to continue to offer these retreats.
 To sign up or get more information about a specific retreat, click the links below:
On-Line, May 2, 2020: Thriving During Difficult Times
On-Line, January 16, 2021: Befriending the Mind-Heart
On-Line, Mar 13, 2021: Befriending the Mind-Heart’s Intentions